Thursday, November 2, 2017

teaching Zoie: loaded baked potato soup

getting scary diagnosis' this past week surely brings to mind how quickly life can pass you never know where life is going to take you, your life can be gone in an instant...and we were shown this when my husband with his health was always a roller coaster...he could be fine one minute and the next being pretty sick...
and see I knew this, we just went through this with him and yet when I got "the bad news" (I guess I am still in shock, not sure how this could happen to us...)
but it also tells me to get my affairs in order and to live each day as if it is the last day...and one of those things (although I started this cooking thing with her before this happened) I really want to make sure she will be ok without me and cooking is one way I can make sure...

tonight?  loaded baked potato soup...(I have made this before, but not for awhile)

I baked 4 big potatoes and then scooped out the insides and lightly mashed a seperate pan Zoie made a roux with 2/3 cup of butter and 3/4 cup of flour with 4 cups of chicken stock and 3 cups of milk...she stirred till thickened and then added the potatoes with some diced up ham and seasonings (garlic salt, onion powder and black pepper...

it came together very nicely and Zoie is very proud of herself...

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