Sunday, April 30, 2017

Life and blogging and cooking...

I seem to have forgotten about blogging, but I really haven't....Tim and I still have to eat, right...Life since hubby died has been a lot harder in ways I never imagined...and so that also means my way of cooking also changed...I show love to family by cooking and I like to go all out doing's so different cooking for just Tim and me when I was so used to making huge displays for A huge family...
This is not to say that I have not prepared dinners...we make sandwiches and salads and easy pastas...tacos one night...but I do not feel the need to blog about such easy stuff...

Besides, ever since the cat left...I have been sick and cannot seem to get better....hard to think of cooking when you yourself cannot even stand the smell of food...
I am really going to try better...Tim deserves better than currently in the hospital for oxygen problems, the doctor said it is fine tuning me...hahaha...

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