Sunday, February 16, 2014

roasted chicken, broccoli, and fried rice with sunflower bread

long before I was Zoie's age as soon as I got home from school each day, I was responsible for starting dinner for 14 people (that was a whole lot of potatoes to peel...) and tonight with not feeling 100% I decided that Zoie should really start more of the cooking each night to build up her confidence and self esteem...

she made tonight's dinner completely by herself, including rubbing the chicken with spices and roasting it, made the rice and even made the gravy by herself with no lumps (I was very proud of her for that...)

I told her she is responsible from now on to make the dinners and the menus for each day of the week...

tonight's menu:

  roasted chicken
  fried rice
  sunflower honey bread

good job Zoie...

so she was so proud of herself that she started a whole new is the link"

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