Thursday, June 2, 2016

cheese fondue

hubby and I went out to a late lunch at Anchos and so we are not hungry for dinner but Sam and Zoie were going to come over (long story but because of a reported shooting near her school) and they did not...
but I wanted to make something they both like and also Tim loves it too...

but it is the beginning of summer here, reported to be above 100 here today and I hate cooking in the heat...

so I made cheese fondue...
found this recipe many years ago and have stuck with it...

I melt 1 stick of buuter and add 8 tsp of flour into a roux with about 4 cups of milk...once thickened, I add seasonings and cheddar cheese (all to taste of course...)

and voila it is done...

we love ours with wheat thins, french bread, cut up veggies and little smokies

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