Sunday, September 23, 2012

Saturday, September 22, 2012

new crackers

Tim found these at the store and thought I might like them...he was right...I knew from the minute I opened the box and the smell was divine, that I would love them...

breakfast for dinner

I tried this new recipe tonight for dinner and dang it all, thought temps were down enough to turn the oven on (and it wasn't)...I am so hot right now...this recipe better make up for me being hot...

I will let you guys know how it turns out...I am so sick of not being able to use my oven...and the 10 day forecast does not give me much hope...

OK this was pretty good...Chris and Tim both loved it, had seconds and said they would want it me it was good...good enough to turn my oven on in the summer good?  not sure...but I would try it again and maybe tweek it a little...

Saturday, September 15, 2012

looking forward to Fall baking...

I think next week (when it is a little cooler) I am going to go to Wal Mart and get all new baking sheets, casserole pans, muffin tins, and cake pans...that way I will be all ready the day the first cool day hits I can start baking...
I am going to make sure my over is nice and sparkly and ready too...

here are a few new treats I want to try:

how yummy do these sound?  my mom used to make a similiar one and we all loved them...

2.   my peanut butter cookies (everyone says I make the best PB cookies)

how cute are these?  Zoe would love to help me with these...Si would too

I love a good coconut pie

this is quite possibly this first recipe I will love love snickerdoodle cookies and then add my love of pumpkin to them also?  oh my goodness...






this is just a handful of desserts I want to make once cooler days come my way...

BBQ roasted chicken dinner for Labor day

this was not today, was last week and I never posted about it...

one of those days when it was super hot and I made this big dinner then was too wiped out to eat it...

family said it was delicious...

Zoe had gone to the waterpark with Si and Cj and so I made them plates also, so when they came home they had a good dinner...Si is a girl after my own heart...she loved the potatoes since I put bacon and cheese in them...they were so hungry that they ate their dinner in the car on the way home...LOL...

hot weather(still)

here we are a month and a half since I last posted and it is still super duper hot here, today supposed to be 107...oh my dear Lord...I need help...I melted a long time ago (the heat really does get to me, it just wipes me out) and then add to the list today I woke up with a pretty bad migraine...but, for some stupid reason, I cannot shut off my brain when I am laying around with a mind goes into overdrive and I think of things that I should be doing...and today menu planning was one of those cyclones in my head...
to say I cannot wait for Fall temps to get here is an understatement...I absolutely hate everything about summer except for the laid back (no school) lazy dazy feel of the day...I hate it that the poor kids are back to school and it is so hot for them...and we probably have about another month of this before it lets up too...
my son's BD is Oct. 15th and when he was younger we would always take him and his brother and sister to the county fair and I would for the first time all summer have to pack jackets for, I know it is coming...the thing is can I hold out that long???  today, if you asked me, the answer would be no...I cannot handle it tho there is nothing I can actualy do about the weather...


the cyclone in my head today was telling me (LOL) that I should start my Fall menu planning and OMGosh I cannot wait for oven meals and baked goods again...

my son asked what the first meals I was going to make once it cools down were going to be?  so I thought I would share with you guys too...

1.    homemade chicken pot pie (yay, our family's all time favorite) and at the same time I am going to make some handheld ones and freeze them for lunches or whatever...
my mouth is already watering thinking of this...

2.    the chicken and wild rice casserole from Southern Plate (this would really be my favorite)

3.    my mock lasagna

4.    my corn chowder with some homemade crusty bread

5.    my loaded baked potato soup, once again with homemade bread or some pumpkin muffins (made from my delicious pumpkin bread recipe)  gosh I cannot wait for this one

6.    a good old fashioned spaghetti, meatballs and Italian sausage

7.    twice baked ham and cheese potatoes

8.    my taco casserole (little princess loves this one)

9.    meatloaf and cheddar potatoes

10.  macaroni and cheese

so, there you have top 10 all time favorite Fall meals that I cannot wait to make...the list could go on and on but you get the idea...

my October menus to come as soon as my migraine feels a little better...